Feb 17, 2020
ALoN DaviD believes there is a lot do do in life and little time to do it. He is the founder of 90x and intuitive 90 day planner that can help you achieve your important goals. To find out how to turn dreams into reality listen to this episode of Another Door.
More about ALoN here: https://90xgoalplanner.com
An invite...
Feb 10, 2020
Jane Ferré has experienced redundancy twice, and the second time, she was made redundant during the start of Christmas. In this Podcast she gives her straight talking advice on how to bounce back, be better and create positive change.
Check out Jane here:
An invite to get social on Insta with...
Feb 3, 2020
Louisa Hussey is an EFT/Tapping practitioner.. sounds a bit woo? But what if proven techniques of acupuncture met cognitive therapy met a bit of coaching? This is a fast hit therapy that can open the door to a new and better you.
Find out about Louisa:
An invite to get social on...